Thursday, 23 April, 2020 UTC


#335 — April 23, 2020
Read on the Web
Node Weekly
Node.js 14 Released — Woo-hoo another major release of Node.js is here. v14 now becomes the current ‘release’ line with it becoming a LTS (Long Term Support) release in October.. so production apps would, ideally, remain on v12 for now. So what’s new..?
  • Diagnostic reports are now a stable feature.
  • It's based on V8 8.1.
  • An experimental Async Local Storage API
  • Improvements to streams.
  • An experimental WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) to support future WebAssembly use cases.
  • Bye bye to the ESM module ‘experimental’ warning (though it still is experimental).
Michael Dawson and Bethany Griggs
Learn Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript — Join Brian Lonsdorf and learn how to apply such concepts as pure functions, currying, composition, functors, monads and more.
Frontend Masters sponsor
Puppeteer 3.0: Say Hello to Firefox — Best known as a way to headlessly control Chrome from Node, Puppeteer has recently seen some competition in the form of the cross-browser Playwright recently. But competition can be good and Puppeteer now supports Firefox too.
Mathias Bynens
ZEIT Is Now Vercel — You probably best know ZEIT as the creators and maintainers of the popular Next.js React framework and their ‘Now’ deployment and hosting platform.
New OpenSSL Security Release To Require Node Updates? Maybe Not.. — A key security update to OpenSSL raised the possibility of widespread Node releases to incorporate the fixes, but initial suggestions are that Node isn’t affected. Fingers crossed!
Sam Roberts
💻 Jobs
Node.js Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers. Work from anywhere with the world's leading brands.
Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.
ℹ️ If you're interested in running a job listing in this newsletter, there's more info here.
📚 Articles & Tutorials
OneTesselAway: Building a Real-Time Public Transit Status Device — A developer wanted to know when the next bus would arrive.. while using lots of cool tech, including Node, the OneBusAway API, and the Tessel 2 IoT platform.
Robert McGuire
What is the toJSON() Function? — If an object has a toJSON function, JSON.stringify() calls toJSON() and serializes the return value from toJSON() instead.
Valeri Karpov
Top GitHub Best Practices for Developers - Expanded Guide — Implementing these best practices could save you time, improve code maintainability, and prevent security risks. sponsor
Refactor Your Node and Express APIs to Serverless with Azure Functions — John Papa points out a Microsoft tutorial that walks through the process of taking a Node API serverless with Azure’s Functions service.
John Papa
Querying SQL Server from Node with async/await
Rob Tomlin
Why I Stopped Using Microservices
Robin Wieruch
🛠 Tools, Resources and Libraries
lazynpm: A Terminal UI for npm — One of those sort of things you don’t realize you need until you give it a go. There’s a four-minute screencast if you want to see how it works without downloading.
Jesse Duffield
node-sqlite3 4.2: Async, Non-blocking SQLite3 Bindings for Node — 4.2.0 just came out.
ts-gphoto2-driver: A Node Wrapper for libgphoto2 — libgphoto2 provides a way to control a variety of digital cameras/DSLRs.
Lenzotti Romain
AppSignal Now Supports Node.js: Roadmap for the Coming Weeks
AppSignal sponsor
Rosetta: A General Purpose Internationalization Library in 292 Bytes — Less than 300 bytes, but does have a few dependencies. Aims to be very simple and is targeted at basic string use cases.
Luke Edwards
nodejs-dns 2.0: The Google Cloud DNS Client for Node
node-osc 5.0: Open Sound Control Protocol Library — OSC is a protocol used to communicate between media devices.
Myles Borins
ts-node: TypeScript Execution and REPL for Node
🕹 And One for Fun..
npm trends: Compare NPM Package Downloads — A site to compare package download counts over time. For example, what about koa vs restify vs fastify?
John Potter