Thursday, 16 February, 2017 UTC


Developers at The New York Times are currently using kyt in several new projects and working to create new features and starter-kyts. They have opened sourcing kyt and offering other developers a chance to escape from configuration hell. Every sizable JavaScript web app needs a common foundation: a setup to build, run, test and lint your code. kyt is a toolkit that encapsulates and manages the configuration for web apps.
I will not concentrate on the detailed description because everything is perfect described in the article on blog side to read whose highly recommended and on the sides of the github – read more .
The project is accessible under GitHub link
kyt’s base features include:
  • A Node server provided for rendering front-end page requests
  • Client and server hot reloading
  • ES-Latest stable features using Babel and babel-polyfill
  • CSS Module and SASS support
  • Inline SVG support
  • Style and script linter rulesets
  • A pre-configured test runner with Jest
  • Optional client-only mode for apps that already have a server
kyt is designed to abstract away complicated configurations and allow developers to focus on writing their source code, while still having the power to make important choices about their app. The following are some of the tools included in this starter-kyt:
  • React – Component library
  • React Router – Server and client routing
  • Sass Modules – CSS Modules with a Sass pre-processor for styles
  • Enzyme – React component testing
  • html webpack plugin – Builds a static html file
Quick Start
  1.  Install Node.js (v6.0+ required).
  2. npm install -g kyt-cli
  3. kyt-cli setup – This will set up your project with application and configuration files so that you can get started with kyt. Learn more about setup.
  4. Projects will have the following structure:
  5. npm run dev
  6. Check out http://localhost:3000
All sources in this article comes from and from article on blog