Sunday, 4 February, 2018 UTC


JavaScript Rising Stars – you’ve probably heard about it before. It’s been very popular on twitter recently. However now, after a few weeks from the publication it’s worth summarizing and rethinking in which direction JavaScript world is heading to.
JS Rising Stars is a ranking compiled annually by Sacha Greif and Michael Rambeau, which contains the most popular JavaScript projects, ordered by the number of Github stars.
Just launched! Find out the most popular JavaScript projects of 2017 with this year’s #RisingStarsJS
— Sacha Greif (@SachaGreif) 12 January 2018
The first place on the comparison is taken by Vue.js with about 40k stars on Github. It’s highest place doesn’t mean it’s more popular than React (which is on the second place) but it’s the fastest growing project. It’s not surprising at all – I’ve been observing it silently over time and the number of supportive and additional libraries is overwhelming – from the UI kits like Element, iView, Mint UI and vux, to the universal, server-rendered framework Nuxt.js and Weex (framework for creating native rendered mobile apps using Vue.js API and syntax).
On the second and third place we can find React and create-react-app, which in fact is a creator of the standards of modern web development.
Webpack, which is a commonly used module bundler has taken the place 16th, and worth mentioning is it’s younger brother – Parcel – which claims to be 2x faster than Webpack, and with cache enabled even 10x faster! I’m really cheering this project for its further development.
I’m really happy to see Bulma in the ranking. When I first saw it almost a year ago, it got my heart from the first impression. It’s now a very successful UI library ready to compare with giants. And it’s ecosystem is growing with F1 pace along with related projects.
Another not-a-big-surprise for me is Prettier on the 7th position. Truly and well deserved. Great tool and great purpose. While talking about tooling it’s worth mentioning that just one place before Prettier we can see VSCode, which for me is a game changer in Editors/IDEs world.

What are we expecting to see next year?

My personal favourite is Nest Framework and I really hope to see it in the next year’s comparison. Don’t forget to let me know your types in comments!
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