Tuesday, 3 March, 2015 UTC


A common misconception about JavaScript is that it supports both pass by value and pass by reference when calling functions. In actuality, JavaScript always passes by value.
Pass by wha?
What are you talking about?
Let’s look at this example
function clamp(value, valueMax, valueMin) { return Math.min(valueMax, Math.max(value, valueMin)); } clamp(200, 1, 50); 
What happens when we pass valueMin from clamp into max? Do they both have the same valueMin? In other words, do they both get access to the same chunk of memory? That depends. In JavaScript clamp and max are each given their own copy of valueMin. No matter what, clamp’s valueMin will never interfere with max’s valueMin as they are two completely different chunks of memory. This is know as “pass by value”.
Pass by reference
It’s possible for functions to share parameters amongst each other. This is the opposite of pass by value and is known as “pass by reference”. When passing by reference, the functions involve are all privy to the same chunk of memory, and so can see each other’s changes. Many languages don’t offer this feature. JavaScript does not, but C# does.
// this is C# public class MyProgram { static void mutate(ref int a) { a = 5; } static void Main(string[] args) { int myA = 12; mutate(ref myA); // prints 5  Console.WriteLine(myA); } } 
Notice the ref keywords? These are the indicators that will let the compiler know to do pass by reference whenever mutate is called.
Objects and references in JavaScript
This is where it gets a little confusing.
In JavaScript – like most object oriented languages – objects are created on the heap (and in actuality primitives are too due to closures. This StackOverflow answer explains it nicely). You don’t have direct access to the heap, instead whenever working with an object you are doing so through a reference. A reference is like a pointer in C, it stores the address of the object on the heap. But unlike pointers, that’s really all they do, you can’t really do fancy things with references like you can pointers. They are simply a calling card that lets you get at your object.
So what does this mean with objects and function calls?
function mutateObject(obj) { obj.foo = "changed!"; } var myObj = { foo: "original value" }; mutateObject(myObj); // prints "changed!" console.log(myObj.foo); 
isn’t that pass by reference? It actually is still pass by value. The tricky bit here is the value that got passed is a reference. Unfortunately the naming conventions are confusing. A reference in JavaScript is a chunk of memory that stores an address. obj inside mutateObject and myObj outside of mutate object are both references that “point” at the object. But just like up above with valueMax, they are two distinct chunks of memory, both of which contain the same address.
It is true that with objects in JavaScript you get some of the features that true pass by reference gives you. But you don’t get all of them.
Passing object references by reference
Yo dawg…
Let’s head back to C# for a second.
public class MyObject { public MyObject(string a) { A = a; } public string A { get; set; } } public class MyProgram { static void Mutate(ref MyObject obj) { obj = new MyObject("assigning a new object"); } static void Main(string[] args) { MyObject myObj = new MyObject("original object"); MyObject anotherRefToMyObj = myObj; Mutate(ref myObj); // prints false Console.WriteLine(Object.Equals(myObj, anotherRefToMyObj)); // prints "assigning a new object" Console.WriteLine(myObj.A); } } 
A pretty contrived example, but the key difference here compared to JavaScript is we are able to completely reassign myObj to a new object. That’s because myObj in Main and obj in Mutate are both the same reference. When doing obj = new MyObject(...) inside Mutate, the effect is placing the address of the new object into the reference that both Main and Mutate share.
Look at anotherRefToMyObj, that’s not a new object, it’s a new reference. We assigned that reference the same address as myObj, so before the call to Mutate, both myObj and anotherRefToMyObj both point at the same object. Then after Mutate(), myObj now points to a different object.
This is not possible in JavaScript.
A lil pedantic
True, this is pretty nitpicky stuff. But that last example of passing objects by ref in C# can come in handy at times.