Tuesday, 2 January, 2018 UTC


The fetch API started out as a target for criticism because of lack of timeout and request cancelation.  While those criticisms could be argued as fair or not, the you can’t deny that the fetch API has been pretty awesome.  As we’ve always done, if a feature is missing, we can always shim it in.
I’ve recently been thinking about shimming in a fetch timeout and found a good fetch / timeout script here.  I’ve slightly modified it to prevent the fetch call’s then and catch callbacks from carrying out their tasks because I believe the timeout should be handled by the shim’s Promise:
const FETCH_TIMEOUT = 5000;
let didTimeOut = false;

new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    const timeout = setTimeout(function() {
        didTimeOut = true;
        reject(new Error('Request timed out'));
    .then(function(response) {
        // Clear the timeout as cleanup
        if(!didTimeOut) {
            console.log('fetch good! ', response);
    .catch(function(err) {
        console.log('fetch failed! ', err);
        // Rejection already happened with setTimeout
        if(didTimeOut) return;
        // Reject with error
.then(function() {
    // Request success and no timeout
    console.log('good promise, no timeout! ');
.catch(function(err) {
    // Error: response error, request timeout or runtime error
    console.log('promise error! ', err);
Wrapping this code in a function called fetchWithTimeout, whereby you pass in a timeout and fetch URL/settings would work well; since people like to use fetch in a variety of ways, I’ve chosen not to create a generalized function and instead am just providing the basic logic.
Many would argue that the timeout should come from the server but we all know us front-end devs don’t always have control over both sides of a request.  If you’re looking for a fetch request timeout snippet, here you go!
The post JavaScript fetch with Timeout appeared first on David Walsh Blog.