Thursday, 13 December, 2018 UTC


# Up and Running with Parcel JS In this video, we will get up and running with Parcel by creating a simple Hello World application in JavaScript. ## What is Parcel? Parcel is a zero configuration web application bundler and Webpack alternative. It supports a ton of functionality out of the box, including Code Splitting, Hot Module Replacement, Environment Variables, and Automatic Transforms for Babel, PostCSS, and PostHTML. ## Asset Support It supports nearly any type of asset you would typically use in a JavaScript project, including: * HTML * Images * Fonts * JavaScript * TypeScript * CoffeeScript * Vue * ReasonML * CSS * SCSS * LESS * Stylus * JSON * GraphQL * Rust * WebAssembly * YAML * TOML * OpenGL * Pug * WebManifest Learn more at [Parcel's website](