Tuesday, 23 August, 2016 UTC


Social media APIs and their rate limits have not been nice to me recently, especially Instagram. Who needs it anyway?
Sites are increasingly getting smarter against scraping / data mining attempts. AngelList even detects PhantomJS (have not seen other sites do this). But if you are automating your exact actions that happen via a browser, can this be blocked?
First off, in terms of concurrency or the amount of horsepower you get for your hard earned $$$ – Selenium sucks. It’s simply not built for what you would consider ‘scraping’. But with sites being built with more and more smarts these days, the only truely reliable way to mine data off the internets is to use browser automation.
My stack looks like, pretty much all JavaScript. There goes a few readers – WebdriverIO, Node.js and a bunch of NPM packages including the likes of antigate (thanks to Troy Hunt –  Breaking CAPTCHA with automated humans) but I’m sure most of my techniques can be applied to any flavour of the Selenium 2 driver. It just happens that I find coding JavaScript optimal for browser automation.

Purpose of This Post

I’m going to share everything that I’ve learnt to date from my recent love affair with Selenium automation/scraping/crawling. The purpose of this post is to illustrate some of the techniques I’ve created which I haven’t seen published anywhere else – as a broader, applicable idea to be shared around and discussed by the webdev community. Also, I need that Kobe Bryant money.

Scraping? Isn’t it Illegal?

Taken from my Hacker News comment
On the ethics side, I don’t scrape large amounts of data – eg. giving clients lead gen (x leads for y dollars) – in fact, I have never done a scraping job and don’t intend to do those jobs for profit.
For me it’s purely for personal use and my little side projects. I don’t even like the word scraping because it comes loaded with so many negative connotations (which sparked this whole comment thread) – and for a good reason – it’s reflective of how the the demand in the market. People want cheap leads to spam, and that’s bad use of technology.
Generally I tend to focus more on words and phases like ‘automation’ and ‘scripting a bot’. I’m just automating my life, I’m writing a bot to replace what I would have to do on a daily basis – like looking on Facebook for some gifs and videos then manually posting them to my site. Would I spend an hour each and every day doing this? No, I’m much more lazier than that.
Who is anyone to tell me what I can and can’t automate in my life?
Let’s get to it.

Faking Human Delays

It’s definitely good practice to add these human-like, random pauses in some places just to be extra safe:
const getRandomInt = (min, max) => {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min

    // do stuff
    .pause(getRandomInt(2000, 5000))
    // do more stuff

Parsing Data jQuery Style with Cheerio

Below is a snippet from a function that gets videos from a Facebook page:
const getVideos = (url) => {
        .then((title) => {
            if (!argv.production) console.log(`Title: ${title}`)
        .then((source) => {
            $ = cheerio.load(source)
            $('div.userContentWrapper[role="article"]').each((i, e) => {
                // parse stuff jQuery style here & maybe save it somewhere
                // wheeeeeee
I also use this similar method and some regex to parse RSS feeds that can’t be read by command line, cURL-like scripts.
fastFeed.parse(data, (err, feed) => {
    if (err) {
        console.error('Error with fastFeed.parse() - trying via Selenium')
            .then((source) => {
                source = source.replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>').replace(/&amp;/g, '&')
                source = source.replace(/(<.?html([^>]+)*>)/ig, '').replace(/(<.?head([^>]+)*>)/ig, '').replace(/(<.?body([^>]+)*>)/ig, '').replace(/(<.?pre([^>]+)*>)/ig, '')
                if (debug) console.log(source)
                fastFeed.parse(source, (err, feed) => {
                    // let's go further up the pyramid of doom!
                    // ༼ノಠل͟ಠ༽ノ ︵ ┻━┻
It actually works pretty well – I’ve tested with multiple sources.

Injecting JavaScript

If you get to my level, injecting JavaScript for the client-side becomes commonplace.
    // du sum stufs lel
    .execute(() => {
        let person = prompt("Please enter your name", "Harry Potter")
        if (person != null) {
            alert(`Hello ${person}! How are you today?`)
By the way, this is a totally non-practical example (in case you haven’t noticed). Check out the following headings.


GIFLY.co had not updated for over 48 hours and I wondered why. My script which gets animated gifs from various Facebook pages was being hit with the capture screen
Cracking Facebook’s captcha was actually pretty easy. It took me exactly 15 minutes to accomplish this. I’m sure there are ways to do this internally but with Antigate providing an NPM package and with costs so low, it was a no-brainer for me.
const Antigate = require('antigate')
let ag = new Antigate('booo00000haaaaahaaahahaaaaaa')

    .then((title) => {
        if (!argv.production) console.log(`Title: ${title}`)
        if (title == 'Security Check Required') {
                .execute(() => {
                    // injectz0r the stuffs necessary
                    function convertImageToCanvas(image) {
                        var canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
                        canvas.width = image.width
                        canvas.height = image.height
                        canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(image, 0, 0)
                        return canvas
                    // give me a png with base64 encoding
                    return convertImageToCanvas(document.querySelector('#captcha img[src*=captcha]')).toDataURL()
                .then((result) => {
                    // apparently antigate doesn't like the first part
                    let image = result.value.replace('data:image/png;base64,', '')
                    ag.process(image, (error, text, id) => {
                        if (error) {
                            throw error
                        } else {
                            console.log(`Captcha is ${text}`)
                                .setValue('#captcha_response', text)
                                .emit('good') // continue to do stuffs
So injecting JavaScript has become super-handy here. I’m converting an image to a canvas, then running .toDataURL() to get a Base64 encoded PNG image to send to the Antigate endpoint. The function was stolen from a site where I steal a lot of things from, shouts to David Walsh. This solves the Facebook captcha, enters the value then clicks submit.

Catching AJAX Errors

Why would you want to catch client-side AJAX errors? Because reasons. For example, I automated unfollowing everyone on Instagram and I found that even through their website (not via the API) there is some kind of a rate limit.
    // ... go to somewhere on Instagram
    .execute(() => {
        fkErrorz = []
        jQuery(document).ajaxError(function (e, request, settings) {
    // unfollow some people, below runs in a loop
            .execute(() => {
                return fkErrorz.length
            .then((result) => {
                let errorsCount = parseInt(result.value)
                console.log('AJAX errors: ' + errorsCount)
                if (errorsCount > 2) {
                    console.log('Exiting process due to AJAX errors')
                    // let's get the hell outta here!!
Because a follow/unfollow invokes an AJAX call, and being rate limited would mean an AJAX error, I inject an AJAX error capturing function then save it to a global variable.
I retrieve this value after each unfollow and terminate the script if I get 3 errors.

Intercepting AJAX Data

While scraping/crawling/spidering Instagram, I ran into a problem. A tag page did not give me the post date in the DOM. I really needed this data for IQta.gs and I couldn’t afford visiting every post as I’m parsing about 200 photos every time.
What I did find though, is that there is a date variable stored in the post object that the browser receives. Heck, I ended up not even using this variable but this is what I came up with:
    .url(url) // an Instagram tag page eg. https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/coding/
    .then((title) => {
        if (!argv.production) console.log(`Title: ${title}`)
    .execute(() => {
        // override AJAX prototype & hijack data
        iqtags = [];
        (function (send) {
            XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function () {
                this.addEventListener('readystatechange', function () {
                    if (this.responseURL == 'https://www.instagram.com/query/' && this.readyState == 4) {
                        let response = JSON.parse(this.response)
                        iqtags = iqtags.concat(response.media.nodes)
                }, false)
                send.apply(this, arguments)
    // do some secret awesome stuffs (actually, I'm just scrolling to trigger lazy loading to get moar data)
    .execute(() => {
        return iqtags
    .then((result) => {
        let nodes = result.value
        if (!argv.production) console.log(`Received ${nodes.length} images`)

        let hashtags = []
        nodes.forEach((n) => {
            // use regex to get hashtags from captions
        if (argv.debug > 1) console.log(hashtags)
It’s getting a little late in Melbourne.

Other Smarts

So I run all of this in a Docker container running on AWS. I’ve pretty much made my Instagram crawlers fault-tolerant with some bash scripting (goes to check if it is running now)
==> iqtags.grid2.log <==
[2016-08-23 15:01:40][LOG] There are 1022840 images for chanbaek
[2016-08-23 15:01:41][LOG] chanbaek { ok: 1,
  nModified: 0,
  n: 1,
  upserted: [ { index: 0, _id: 57bc654f1007e86f09f70b49 } ] }
[2016-08-23 15:01:51][LOG] Getting random item from queue
[2016-08-23 15:01:51][LOG] Aggregating related tags from a random hashtag in db
[2016-08-23 15:01:51][LOG] Hashtag #spiritualfreedom doesn't exist in db
[2016-08-23 15:01:51][LOG] Navigating to https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/spiritualfreedom
[2016-08-23 15:02:05][LOG] Title: #spiritualfreedom • Instagram photos and videos

==> iqtags.grid3.log <==
[2016-08-23 15:00:39][LOG] Navigating to https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/artist
[2016-08-23 15:00:56][LOG] Title: #artist • Instagram photos and videos
[2016-08-23 15:01:37][LOG] Received 185 images
[2016-08-23 15:01:37][LOG] There are 40114945 images for artist
[2016-08-23 15:01:37][LOG] artist { ok: 1, nModified: 1, n: 1 }
[2016-08-23 15:01:47][LOG] Getting random item from queue
[2016-08-23 15:01:47][LOG] Aggregating related tags from a random hashtag in db
[2016-08-23 15:01:47][LOG] Hashtag #bornfree doesn't exist in db
[2016-08-23 15:01:47][LOG] Navigating to https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/bornfree
[2016-08-23 15:02:01][LOG] Title: #bornfree • Instagram photos and videos
[2016-08-23 15:02:44][LOG] Received 183 images
[2016-08-23 15:02:44][LOG] There are 90195 images for bornfree
[2016-08-23 15:02:45][LOG] bornfree { ok: 1,
  nModified: 0,
  n: 1,
  upserted: [ { index: 0, _id: 57bc658f1007e86f09f70b4c } ] }
Yes, it seems that all 6 IQta.gs crawlers are running fine I’ve run into some issues with Docker where an image becomes unusable, I have no idea why – I did not spend time to look into the root cause, but basically my bash script will detect non-activity and completely remove and start the Selenium grid again from a fresh image.

Random Closing Thoughts

I had this heading written down before I started writing this post and I have forgotten the random thoughts I had back then. Oh well, maybe it will come back tomorrow.
Ah, a special mention goes out to Hartley Brody and his post, which was a very popular article on Hacker News in 2012/2013 – it inspired me to write this.
Those of you wondering what the hell browser is:
const webdriverio = require('webdriverio')
let options
if (argv.chrome) {
    options = {
        desiredCapabilities: {
            browserName: 'chrome', chromeOptions: {
                prefs: {
                    'profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications': 2
        port: port,
        logOutput: '/var/log/fk/iqtags.crawler/'
else {
    options = {
        desiredCapabilities: {
            browserName: 'firefox'
        port: port,
        logOutput: '/var/log/fk/iqtags.crawler/'
const browser = webdriverio.remote(options)
And argv comes from yargs
Thanks to my long time friend In-Ho @ Google for proofreading! You can check out some of his music production here.
The post I Don’t Need No Stinking API – Web Scraping in 2016 and Beyond appeared first on Francis Kim.