Wednesday, 8 May, 2019 UTC


Hi there! Today, I’ll meet you with an amazing instructor from Udemy. His name is Reed Barger and has awesome courses about web development. Especially his experience and knowledge level is amazing in my opinion. So, I’ll review Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL in depth, which is one of the best courses from Reed Barger, in my opinion.
Of course, I’ll share discount coupon too. Let’s begin!
React, Python, and GraphQL… What!?
Yeah, I hear you say that. Node.js, GraphQL, and React are used in many courses. But Python? Reed Barger uses the great features and tools of Python to add power to React and GraphQL.
  • Cutting edge React interfaces,
  • Powerful Python backend,
  • and GraphQL for server and client.
This course is especially suitable for those who want to develop full stack applications. Because the instructor teaches everything step by step and Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL is completely practical training.
Course Content
  • 6+ Hours video content
  • 3 Downloadable resources
  • Lifetime access, new episodes
  • Certificate of completion
Do you want a full course with practical lessons? Then you will make the right choice. Using the latest features of Python, React and GraphQL, you will develop a music app. In the intro sections, you’ll learn using GraphQL from back to the frontend.
Then, using Django and Graphene, add backend features your sample music app. In the last section, you’ll develop a React client. So, after completed Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL, you can build any robust and amazing apps using the latest features.

At a Glance: What You’ll Learn?

  • Refresher on GraphQL
  • Graphene in Python
  • React Hooks and Context
  • Apollo Boost
  • React Router 4
  • Using Django
  • Error Handling
  • Package Management

What You’ll Need?

Reed Barger recommends knowing React concepts like components and ES6 JavaScript. But, I’ll recommend at least intermediate level React JS and basic Python experience. Especially, if you don’t know anything about Python, you might not understand Django web framework and even basic commands.
You can learn Python fundamentals from the official wiki page. Or, if you want to know completely, I recommend The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp, by Colt Steele.

Why Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL?

  • Because Reed Barger reviews are quite positive and I recommend this instructor too.
  • Also, this course is fully practical. You’ll build a social music sharing app from scratch and step by step.
  • Plus, you can learn to use this trio together.
  • And plus, you’ll learn the latest features, because this course published on 4/2019.
  • Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL with a 93% off coupon? Yes, there is another plus.
My Review & Discount Coupon
Are you Python developer? Or just a React newbie? Doesn’t matter. With Reed Barger’s course, you can learn to build amazing apps with powerful features & tools of this trio. Also, the lessons are really enjoyable I think.
So, if you want to download Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL with a 93% discount coupon, you can use Courses Buddy’s offer!
[93% OFF] Reed Barger’s New Course
The post Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL: Full Review appeared first on Courses Buddy.