Friday, 16 September, 2022 UTC


Flutter for Web – The Detail Guide to Develop Flutter Web App
Flutter is the UI development kit from Google launched primarily for building native, high-performance, and aesthetically beautiful cross-platform apps. But with all the focus on mobile app development, we often forget the broader vision of Google behind creating Flutter. Flutter was made not just to reuse the same codebase across iOS and Android but also on web and desktop platforms.
Naturally, for your next web development project, you can reach out to Flutter app development services with experience using the framework for web projects. But before you do that, it is always important to have a clear idea of Flutter web development advantages, the differences between using Flutter for mobile and web projects, and the straightforward steps involved in Flutter web development.
Key Advantages of Using Flutter for Web Development 
Flutter comes as a well-equipped framework for developing high-performance single-page web apps. With Flutter, some of your web project’s key advantages include the following.
  • Flutter, with its rich widget repository for the web UI, provides all design elements required for rich interactions, graphics, transitions, grids, animation, and many more.
  • Flutter comes with a low-footprint code with a smart ability to process and store large amounts of data.
  • Flutter offers robust support for widgets that follow the latest Material Design principle for the web.
  • Flutter perfectly fits Progressive Web App (PWA) projects with its mobile-friendly modular widgets.
  • Flutter ensures fast-loading websites thanks to its 60 to 120 frames per second loading capability for animation and rich graphics.
  • Because of its modular architecture, Flutter also allows incremental development based on user feedback.
How is Flutter Different from Web Development? 
To realize the promises of Flutter for web development, the first and foremost thing one needs to understand is that Flutter offers a pretty robust UI development kit full of widgets adhering to the latest Material Design guidelines followed by most web apps now. In addition, though Flutter is entirely a frontend framework, with inbuilt Google Firebase support, it can also help developers deal with server-side rendering.
Flutter administers similar maneuvers to build the UI for the entire screen irrespective of the device used to open the web app for both web and mobile apps. Flutter web uses the full screen like a canvas and builds the organic HTML elements ensuring total control of the screen pixels.
The rendering is done with standard web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it adheres to all web standards, including routing and animations. Flutter web developers can choose either of the two rendering engines, DomCanvas and CanvasKit.
Flutter Web Development: Here are the steps 
So now that we have a comprehensive idea of the promises and capabilities of Flutter web let’s get down to the detailed steps.
Initiating the Project 
As the inevitable first step, you must install Flutter SDK to shape the development environment.
Outlining the Web Project 
For creating the Flutter web project, bring the flutter_web dependency right into the pubspec.YAML file. Thanks to this, you can easily access your web development tools and packages. To find the principal Dart file of the project, you need to avail the latest update of the pubspec.YAML file. Following this, you need to update and refresh the development settings of the project so that compiling Dart code becomes easier. This is generally don’t by setting up a new web target.
Now coming to the structure of a Flutter web project, you should take note of the following:
    • First, there is a lib directory to store all the Dart codes.
    • Then, there is a test directory to hold together all tests of widgets that are run automatically with the test command.
    • The pubspec. YAML file consists of all dependencies of the project and any configuration settings.
    • Next, there is a .metadata folder used for Flutter tooling.
    • Finally, there is a .dart_tool folder to keep all the temporary files of the SDK.
Designing the Web Page 
For designing the web page, one can either use HTML and CSS code by adding this code to the lib .dart file or use Flutter widgets following the Material Design principle. For using widgets, you should incorporate the library containing the respective widget. You can also add event handlers to each widget.
Building the Home Page 
Just create a new file in the lib directory for the home page and name it. All code for the home page will be stored here. After creating the home page by using widgets and handlers, you can customize the same.
Creating Page Navigation
Now it is time to use the Navigator class to facilitate the navigation from one page to another. When a new page is created, it must be pushed into the Navigator class to facilitate navigation.
Deployment and Testing of the Web App 
Once you have created a few pages and defined navigation from the home page and among several pages, you can be ready to run the web app and test it. You have the flutter web tool responsible for compiling and deploying Flutter web applications. This tool needs to be installed before this step.
The same tool can also be used for real-time app loading through Flutter’s Hot Reload feature. This feature, without refreshing and reloading an app, allows seeing the changes instantly in any app.
Once running and deploying are done using the flutter web tool, you need to test the app. Testing can be done manually or by using a tool such as Selenium.
Summing It Up – 
So, extending your digital presence across mobile and web is possible using just one robust technology called Flutter. Whether you want to push lead generation and sales conversion or revitalize staff augmentation through a well-synced web and mobile app, Flutter is the ideal technology solution for all these requirements. After the latest Flutter 3.0 release, the framework for web development projects will play an even bigger role.
Flutter for Web – The Detail Guide to Develop Flutter Web App
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