Wednesday, 14 November, 2018 UTC


The target audience for the free Community Edition of the JavaScript tool is early-stage start-ups and low capital firms.
Ext JS is a framework for building interactive web applications. Manufacturer Sencha has just released a community edition of the tool, which is nothing more than a free edition of the JavaScript developer framework that the company expects to extend the Ext JS user base.
In addition to the actual framework, the Community Edition includes several hundred components for functions such as spreadsheet and cell processing, as well as material themes. It also supports important JavaScript tools like npm, webpack and Babel. Also included are so-called Sencha Stencils, a UI package for Ext JS that provides templates for Adobe Illustrator, Sketch and Balsamiq and can also be used as SVG / PNG with other programs. Finally, with Sencha Fiddle, there’s an online IDE that lets you try, save, and share code directly in your browser.
The free edition is probably for developers who learn a new programming language, start a cross-platform project or maintain an open-source JavaScript project. The target group also includes start-up companies in the early stages and companies with limited capital.
For further features and peculiarities Sencha enters the announcement for the Community Edition.

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