Monday, 12 August, 2019 UTC


We are happy to introduce the first set of custom elements for the immersive web we have been working on: <img-360> and <video-360>
From the Mixed Reality team, we keep working on improving the content creator experience, building new frameworks, tools, APIs, performance tuning and so on.
Most of these projects are based on the assumption that the users have a basic knowledge of 3D graphics and want to go deep on fully customizing their WebXR experience, (eg: using A-Frame or three.js).
But there are still a lot of use cases where content creators just want very simple interactions and don’t have the knowledge or time to create and maintain a custom application built on top of a WebXR framework.
With this project we aim to address the problems these content creators have by providing custom elements with simple, yet polished features. One could be just a simple 360 image or video viewer, another one could be a tour allowing the user to jump from one image to another.
Custom elements provide a standard way to create HTML elements to provide simple functionality that matches expectations of content creators without knowledge of 3D, WebXR or even Javascript.
How does this work?
Just include the Javascript bundle on your page and you could start using both elements in your HTML: <img-360> and <video-360>. You just need to provide them with a 360 image or video and the custom elements will do the rest, including detecting WebVR support. Here is a simple example that adds a 360 image and video to a page. All of the interaction controls are generated automatically:
You can try a demo here and find detailed information on how to use them on Github.
Next steps
Today we are releasing just these two elements but we have many others in mind and would love your feedback. What new elements would you find useful? Please join us on GitHub to discuss them.
We are also excited to see other companies working hard on providing quality custom elements for the 3D and XR web as Google with their <model-viewer> component and we hope others will follow.