Monday, 19 December, 2016 UTC


As I’ve been releasing my screencasts on learning Docker and working with Node in Docker, along with my (FREE!) cheatsheets for Docker, I’ve been getting a pretty regular stream of questions from people.
From these questions, I’ve been able to improve my own use of Docker while helping others.
I’ve had this notion that I need to write a small ebook to consolidate some of this knowledge. What I really wanted to do was take the lessons learned, configuration ideas and solutions to problems that people run into, and provide almost a copy-and-paste solution set… maybe a github repository to go with it, and some sample code and configuration. 
With all of these ideas floating around, I’ve finally settled on a way to bring it all together: an ebook and collection of code, with recipes for solving problems surrounding development of Node.js applications in Docker.
The Docker Recipes for Node.js Development ebook
My goal with this ebook, having just barely started the outline and writing, is to provide a set of solutions for common problems, as I said above.
The gist of each chapter will be a problem, solution description and “recipe” that you can easily follow for the solution.
But I want to take this a step further, as I said, and also provide these solutions as code and Dockerfile samples.
The end result should be simple copy & paste, “getting started” or “how-to” style examples from which you can build your applications and development processes. 
I’ve started working on the outline and the first example recipe, but I’m not quite ready to make it available, yet.
I need your help to make this book happen
Typically when I write an ebook or cheatsheet, I get a good chunk of it done and then do early release sales through Leanpub.
This has worked for me in the past, but I want to do something a little different in this case.
I need to make sure this book covers the real problems and questions that you’re running into with Docker and Node.js development. 
With tha tin mind, I need your help – your questions, your problems, and your feedback to show me the right direction for this book.
In January, I’m going to do a pre-sale for the ebook and code samples. 
I’ll likely have 1 chapter written when it starts, and you can see above that I already have a book cover created.
From there, the purpose of the pre-sale is to get you involved. 
You’ll have an opportunity to not only pick up the book at a significant discount compared to the final price, but also to help shape the direction of the book as I’m writing it. 
I don’t have all the details ironed out yet, but I’ll have some kind of setup for receiving feedback, asking for input, getting code samples and early chapters to you, etc. 
It’s all coming soon, but I’m not quite ready to roll out the pre-sale just yet. So stay tuned to the blog here, join the mailing list below, and watch for more information about the ebook and how you can be involved in shaping the content!
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