Tuesday, 29 August, 2017 UTC


We are extremely excited to announce that Appium is the first project to graduate from the JS Foundation’s mentorship program. The purpose of mentorship is to support and mentor projects entering the Foundation. The goal is for projects to be participatory, transparent and effective. While certain processes are strongly recommended based on the experiences of the Foundation and its Projects, the goal of mentorship is not to enforce a specific set of processes but to ensure that the processes adopted and accepted by a project achieve these goals. Therefore, the requirements for graduating from mentorship are based on metrics that demonstrate success in terms of these values.
Appium is an extremely successful project and has built on that success by achieving a number of goals set out for them during mentorship. You can see a detailed write-up of how the project is doing in their graduation document but some of those goals included:
  • Expanding the contributor and committer base through well-defined, inclusive and welcoming policies
  • Establishing, implementing and following a Code of Conduct
  • Documenting a governance and decision making process
  • Documenting the on-boarding and contribution process
  • Establishing a well-rounded Technical Committee where there are no more than 1/3 of the members from a single company
With graduating from our mentorship program, we expect Appium to have a long and successful future. We can’t wait to see where they go next and hope that other JS Foundation projects and project all throughout the JavaScript ecosystem look to them as an example, leading the way in long-term sustainability of open source projects.
History of Appium
August 2017
Appium graduates from JS Foundation mentorship program
May 2017
Android Espresso Driver added
March 2017
Mac Driver added
October 2016
Appium joins JS Foundation
September 2016
iOS XCUITest Driver added
July 2016
Windows Driver added
June 2016
Appium rewritten using ES2016 for clarity and extensibility
February 2016
Android UiAutomater2 Driver added
May 2014
Appium reaches version 1.0
December 2013
Surpasses 1000 commits
March 2013
Android UiAutomater Driver added
February 2013
Adds Android and Selendroid support becoming first cross-platform automation framework
January 2013
Sauce Labs backs Appium and it’s rewritten in JavaScript on Node.js
November 2012
Project renamed Appium at Mobile Testing Summit
September 2012
Web server added and WebDriver protocol implemented
August 2012
iOSAuto open sourced and rewritten from C# to Python
April 2012
“iOSAuto” project first shown at Selenium Conference London