Monday, 28 May, 2018 UTC


In the previous post we built a material data table, we have packaged as a library and we have learnt how to publish on npm.
Today we want to improve it by adding the two functionalities displayed in the featured image above. To make it so, we need to made some adjustments:
  1. Expand the column when the object contains another object that we decided to be called “details”;
  2. use the “when” functionality provided by material;
  3. create a caret where we can click;
  4. add some cool animation;
  5. Bonus: add a search functionality;
  6. use the library.
Let’s define some mock data where we can work on. I’m quite lazy and without fantasy so looking around I found out an amazing package called faker.js that generate massive amounts of fake data in Node.js and the browser:
npm install faker --save-dev
When the installation is completed we can move in our “src/app.component.ts” file and generate them as follow:
404: Not Found
If we run ng serve we can see something like that:
first result
Our table doesn’t look so right. It contains a column called “details” that should disappear and it doesn’t contains our sub-table but at least we have all the information we need.
Let’s open our library project:
cd projects/ngx-data-table/src/lib/ngx-data-table
And make all the changes step by step.
– Filter the column details:
In the
we need to apply a small change:
this.displayedColumns = Object.keys(_data[0]);

this.displayedColumns = Object.keys(_data[0]).filter(key => key !== 'details');
- An handler to expand and collapse a row:
expandedElement: Array;
toggleRow(row) {
    if (this.expandedElement === row) {
      this.expandedElement = null;
    } else {
      this.expandedElement = row;
- Implement the "when" functionality from angular/@material:
isExpansionDetailRow = (i: number, row: Object) =>
- Add some animation to make everything more cool when we expand/collapse the row:
animations: [
    trigger('detailExpand', [
        style({ height: '0px', minHeight: '0', visibility: 'hidden' })
      state('expanded', style({ height: '*', visibility: 'visible' })),
        'expanded  collapsed',
        animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1)')
In case you got lost somewhere this is the full source code:
404: Not Found
At the moment we can't appreciate the changes we made because we didn't modify our template, so why wasting time...let's do it straight away opening "ngx-data-table.component.html":
- We change the first cell adding a caret:
404: Not Found
It will be displayed only if the object contains the "details" property and will flip down/up if the column is expanded/collapsed.
- we implement the "when" functionality:
404: Not Found
- We implement the recursion. In this case the only thing we need to do is to load the component itself passing the new array from details:
404: Not Found
And as usual this is the full html code:
404: Not Found
The last change we need to do is the enrichment in our "ngx-data-table-datasource.ts" adding a new row (hidden) all the time the object contains "details":
const rows = [];
      element =>
          ? rows.push(element, {detailRow: true, element})
          : rows.push(element)
    return rows;
404: Not Found
If we reload now the browser we'll get our result:
mmm ... maybe we need a bit of css:
404: Not Found
Now is much better we got our recursive (n-depth) level master detail table.
At the beginning of the post I was talking about the search functionality however as the post was becoming too long,
I decided to publish the project on github and on
Feel free to download/fork or create tickets on github:
Don't ask me how that is possible to have 123 downloads already because I've no clue!!!
Important and suggestions
I was thinking to add the voice recognition on the search bar ... if you think that it's worth it let me know and I'll do it otherwise enjoy it.
If you enjoyed it please follow me on twitter @Dzurico
The post Angular Master detail table appeared first on Angular and Javascript blog.