Thursday, 24 January, 2019 UTC


Three features, two bug fixes and a withdrawn change: With 8.0.0-beta.1 the second beta for Angular 8 is available for download.
The release cycle of Angular provides for a new major release every six months. That works better, but sometimes not so good. At Angular 7 the release came on time in October. Thus, Angular 8 would have to follow in April or May 2019. Until then, it continues first with minor releases of Angular 7 and then the beta versions of Angular 8.
Angular 8: The beta releases

Angular 8.0.0-beta.1

Update from January 23, 2019
Angular 8.0.0-beta.1 is here. This is already the second beta for Angular 8 appeared. Again, we worked on the experimental feature Bazel, which now supports SASS. In addition to this new feature, Bazel also fixed a bug that caused problems with large modules. The memory
for Node.js for which the
ruler has been increased, so that it should no longer come out-of-memory messages here.
The second beta version of Angular 8 also comes with two more new features. One of them concerns the compiler. There, input SASS / LESS files are now automatically converted to .css, since the compile-time and design-time reference must be the same. Of course, this also applies to the already mentioned new feature for Bazel. In the Forms area,
added to
The changes to Angular 8.0.0-beta.1 also include a withdrawn change to Angular. Build processes in Docker should use an image-based cache in Windows BuildKite. However, this resulted in crashes and error messages, so the change was withdrawn. The issue has been redirected to Docker developers.
More information about Angular 8.0.0-beta.1 can be found in the changelog on GitHub.

Angular 8.0.0-beta.0

frUpdate from January 17, 2019
Work on Angular 8 has started, the first result can be tested. With Angular 8.0.0-beta.0 the first beta version of the framework is available, which is mainly focused on Bazel. Twelve out of 13 bugfixes in the release make changes to Bazel, which is itself marked as an experimental feature. These include, for example, the entry of
and the entry of the dependency
for Bazel projects.
The new feature in the first beta of Angular 8 is Angular Forms:
forms: export NumberValueAccessor & RangeValueAccessor directives (# 27743) (ac15717)
To improve the performance,
worked on the behavior of
. Previously, a new instance of DomElementSchemaRegistry was created for each request. Now a shared instance is used instead.
More information about Angular 8.0.0-beta.0 can be found in the changelog on GitHub.

Angular 7.x: The minor releases

Angular 7.2.0 released

Update from January 8, 2019
After just one release candidate, Angular 7.2 final is ready for download. The new minor version of Angular 7 comes with four bugfixes, two of which involve nesting the component. This is about the behavior of
in the context of
. Components are now properly processed after downgrading, and Angular 7.2 also allows components from different downgraded modules to be nested. The current release also fixes a bug in Bazel that affects the use of Protractor on Windows with the Protractor Rule. It is now possible again to start protractor tests. The last bugfix concerns a now resolved API mismatch of
in the Forms area.
More information about the release can be found in the changelog on GitHub.
Update to the version (January 16, 2019): After the release of Angular 7.2, the changelog of the version was extended again. The release includes not only the four aforementioned bugfixes, as originally reported, but of course all the innovations that were published with the versions Angular 7.1.1 to 7.1.4. In addition, the changelog now names a number of features released with Angular 7.2. Schematics support via
is now available for the experimentally marked Bazel feature. In addition, Angular 7.2 provides support for TypeScript 3.2 and some minor new features for the router. All further information can be found in the changelog.

Angular 7.2.0-rc.0

Update from December 19, 2018
The betas are through, followed by the release candidates. Angular 7.2.0-rc.0 is the first on the way to the final 7.2 version. 12 bug fixes have been completed, 2 new features have been added.
Outstanding is the support for TypeScript 3.2. Thus, for example, the stricter type checks for bind , call and apply are also available in Angular. Also new is a Predicate Function Mode for run Guards And Resolvers . In this mode, guards and resolvers ignore changes when a predicate function returns false . This makes use cases possible, in which an application must ignore certain parameter updates, but others do not.
With the entry into the RC phase, the 7.2 version is in the immediate vicinity. How many release candidates we will be complaining about until then, is not yet in sight.

Angular 7.2.0-beta.2

Update from December 12, 2018
Not even a week, the Angular developers needed for the next beta release. However, only four fixes have been implemented. Three of them affect the Bazel component. So the upgrade to the new ts_library had revealed bugs in schematics / bazel-workspace files. These are now fixed. Also introduced was a new way to check if the npm version of @ angular / bazel is the same as Bazel’s installed in the Angular Repository.
Overall, the following fixes can be found in Angular 7.2 Beta 2:
  • bazel: fix TS errors in the schematics / bazel-workspace files ( # 27600 ) (3290fc3)
  • bazel: Read latest versions from latest-version.ts & use semver check
    (#27526) (30a3b49)
  • bazel: tsickle dependency not working with typescript 3.1.x
    (#27402) (f034114)
  • forms: typed argument for FormBuilder group
    (#26985) (b0c7561)

Angular 7.2.0-beta.1

Update from December 7, 2018
After the small first beta for Angular 7.2, the second is even bigger: With numerous bug fixes, some features and even a breaking change, the latest beta release of Angular is available for download. The theme of the new version is obvious: it’s about Bazel. Bazel is a build and test tool developed independently of Angular. The Angular team has been working on integrating the tool into Angular for a while, making it easy for Angular users to access. An important step in this direction has been taken by the Angular team with the release: The official Angular Schmeatics for Bazel has been implemented, with which Bazel can be added to a project via the ng-new CLI command.
Also the Bazel breaking change delivered with the second beta of Angular 7.2: Transitive Dependencies of
will not be installed automatically via
. Instead, they must be manually installed through the workspace file:

load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:package.bzl", "rules_typescript_dependencies")
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:package.bzl", "rules_nodejs_dependencies")
In addition to the innovations for Bazel, the release also brings five new features for the router. For the navigation now the type
can be used, also the
now be forwarded to routerLink Directives and
. For
, a
mode is now available. The last new feature again refers to the navigation and concerns the call of objects when navigating back. For more information about the release, see the Changelog on GitHub as usual.

Angular 7.2.0-beta.0

Update from November 29, 2018
The first beta version of Angular 7.2 has two bug fixes . For network errors, the request URL is now output. There was also an innovation related to Ivy: The dependence of the resolution of forward references from the runtime was resolved.
And what about the Ivy Renderer itself? Not much has changed since the release of Angular 7.1. The ten open features that still had to be edited for Angular 7.1 are still incomplete.

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