Thursday, 16 November, 2017 UTC


Node Weekly
November 16, 2017 #214
29 Videos from Last Week's NodeConfEU 2017
NodeConfEU took place in Ireland last week and there are already some great videos out, including Building a radio data network with Node, The memory footprint of Node modules, and a talk about the development of npm v5 and v6.

Jamie Munro
Creating Secure Password Resets With JSON Web Tokens
A thorough introduction to JWTs and their use from Node. JWTs can contain encoded information that can be validated to ensure it hasn’t been tampered with.

Node.js Foundation
Node v9.2.0 (Current) Released
Only a minor update. process.ppid, fs.realpathSync.native and fs.realpath.native are now exposed.

Frontend Masters Sponsor
🎉 New, Updated: Deep JavaScript Foundations with Kyle Simpson
Join Kyle Simpson, author of the popular “You Don’t Know JavaScript” book series, as he deep dives into JavaScript's core mechanics like scope, closure, this and prototypes new features in ES6 and more.

Jeff Judkins
Debugging Memory Leaks and Memory Bloat in Node
Memory issues can be daunting when you first encounter them, but this article aims to make them a little more approachable.

A Plan for Making Node.js Start Up 8x Faster
Node starts pretty quickly, but here’s an in-progress plan for using V8 snapshots to trim away those extra milliseconds.

Tierney Cyren
The State of Node.js Security in 2017
The results from a survey of Node devs on their experience/practice with Node security, mostly packed into a huge infographic.

  • Frontend Engineer (Remote)
    Be a part of a high tech startup and be tasked to analyze and develop features for our web application using ReactJS and Node. Dropsource
In Brief
  • Node.js 8.9 Released with Long Term Support news
  • Announcing Assert(js) – An All JavaScript Testing Conference news
    A one-day, single-track conference with a laser focus on JavaScript testing for devs - both UI and Node.
    OK GROW! Sponsor
  • Browser Automation Revisited: Meet Puppeteer tutorial
    Puppeteer is a Node.js library which provides an API to control a headless Chrome.
    Gergely Nemeth
  • Automated UI Testing with Nightmare tutorial
    Nightmare is a high-level browser automation library.
  • Running the Node.js Bookshelf on Compute Engine tutorial
    The Node.js Bookshelf is an app that shows off various Google Cloud Platform features.
    Google Cloud Platform
  • Deploy an Angular 2 and Node App to AWS EC2, RDS and S3 tutorial
    Mateusz Okulewicz
  • Server and Authentication Basics with Express, Sessions, Passport, and CURL tutorial
    Evan Gow
  • How I Got Into Node: Matteo Collina story
    How developer Matteo Collina, a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee, got into the community.
    Node.js Foundation
  • Bringing Native Performance to Electron with Realm story
  • How We Build Real-Time Features using Node and story
  • Codeship Ranked Amongst Top 5 Continuous Integration Vendors by Forrester
    Codeship ahead of IBM, TravisCI, Atlassian, and more. Download the report for free.
    Codeship Sponsor
  • MagiCLI: Automagically Generate CLIs for Any Module tools
    Diego ZoracKy
  • reed-solomon: Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding in Pure JavaScript code
    With an optional C++ binding for multi-core throughput.
  • Color Log: A 4-Level Console Logger with Color Support code
    An-Chi Liu
  • Ukkonen: Ukkonen's Approximate String Matching Algorithm code
    Performs better than Levenshtein distance on long strings.
    Sune Simonsen
  • nba-go: A Command Line Interface to NBA Games and Stats code
    Homer Chen