Wednesday, 27 February, 2019 UTC


Localization is a common problem and there are many solutions, each with their own benifits and trade-offs. With Gatsby and its possible to achieve a solution that is easy to work with and extend. If you haven’t already read about why Gatsby and pair so well check out the blog post by Knut Melvær: Blazing fast development with Gatsby and
I have completed two sites with Gatsby and Sanity that required localization. The first site needed to maintain every link from the original site without redirects: each language living in its own subdomain, for example. The simplest solution at the time was to use multiple builds which always bothered me. The second site I vowed to do it the right™ way.
The new setup would generate pages for every language in one build step giving urls like This makes it easier for both the content team and our developers to use.
Setting Up Sanity to Support Translations has some good documentation which has great examples to help you achieve localized text.
Create a new contentType schema called localeText to use with the schemas in your project.
const supportedLanguages = [ { id: "en", title: "English", isDefault: true }, { id: "es", title: "Spanish" }, // Add as many languages as you need to support ] export default { name: "localeString", type: "object", fieldsets: [ { title: "Translations", name: "translations", options: { collapsible: true }, }, ], fields: => ({ title: lang.title, name:, type: "string", fieldset: lang.isDefault ? null : "translations", })), }
This will allow you to add localeText as a type in your schemas and renders a nice UI for adding translations.
In your schema:
export default { name: "someDataType", title: "Data Title", type: "document", fields: [ { type: "localeString", name: "title", }, { type: "localeText", name: "description", }, ], }
Updating Gatsby Setup
Now that you have your Sanity schemas set up for adding translations you need to set up your Gatsby project to handle them. You’re going to update the queries to handle the new shape of your data.
export const query = graphql` query MyPageQuery { sanitySomeDataType { title { _type en es } } } `
Which gives you a data prop that looks like the following:
{ data: { sanitySomeDataType: { title: { _type: "localeText", en: "My Title", es: "Mi título" } } } }
Getting the Correct Language Text
At this point you could use the above as-is in your components with data.sanitySomeDataType.title.en. You could do something like:
<Component> { data.sanitySomeDataType.title[ props.pageContext.locale || process.env.GATSBY_LOCALE ] } {/*Or anything else you wanted to do*/} </Component>
It is preferable to reference only the title key and get the correct text. No need to remember what locale is active.
So let’s make that work.
Once again, you can use the example from the documentation for a function to localize the text from a given Sanity document. I’ve modified the example below to always default to English. This suits my use case and it’s a good starting point if your use case differs. The function walks through a given document and updates any object with _type: 'locale<TEXT_TYPE>' ( for example _type: 'localeText', or _type: 'localeString' ) and returns only the correct translation text.
export const createLocaleTextGetter = languageCode => { const languages = [languageCode, "en"] // last language in array is default; const localize = value => { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return => localize(v, languages)) } else if (typeof value == "object") { if (/^locale[A-Z]/.test(value._type)) { const language = languages.find(lang => value[lang]) return value[language] } return Object.keys(value).reduce((result, key) => { result[key] = localize(value[key], languages) return result }, {}) } return value } return localize }
You could use render props for this but I decided on a higher-order component (HOC).
import React from "react" import Proptypes from "prop-types" import { createLocaleTextGetter } from "../../util" // Or wherever you stashed it function localize(Component) { return class Localize extends React.Component { static propTypes = { data: Proptypes.object, pageContext: Proptypes.shape({ locale: Proptypes.string, }), } constructor(props) { super(props) this.getLocalizedContent = createLocaleTextGetter( this.props.pageContext.locale ) } render() { return ( <Component {...this.props} data={this.getLocalizedContent(} /> ) } } } export default localize
Wrap Page Components With the Localize HOC
For each page or template that needs to be localized add your HOC.
import React from "react" import Layout from "../components/Layout" import localize from "../components/localize" const IndexPage = ({ data }) => ( <Layout> <h1>{data.sanitySomeDataType.title}</h1> </Layout> ) export default localize(IndexPage) export const query = graphql` query HomeQuery { sanitySomeDataType { title { _type en es } } } `
Generating Pages with the Correct Context
In the gatsby-node.js file you need to add a function that generates pages for each supported language with a path prefix for each, such as ‘es’ for Spanish, and ‘fr’ for French.
// Get your list of languages from somewhere, env file, config.json, etc // for sake of this snippet I am putting it here const extraLanguages = ["es"] // English is currently the default so it isn't needed here. exports.onCreatePage = ({ page, actions }) => { const { createPage, deletePage } = actions deletePage(page) const { context, } = page createPage({, context: { ...context, locale: process.env.LOCALE, }, }) if (extraLanguages.length) { extraLanguages.forEach(code => { const { path, context, } = page createPage({, path: `/${code}${path}`, // every page for each language gets the language code as a prefix // to its path: "/es/blog/<some-slug>" for example context: { ...context, locale: code, }, }) }) } } + Gatsby.js + Easy Localization = Win
If you haven’t already started using as your content backend I encourage you to check it out. You and your content team will love it.
For a quick start with the combo, the peeps at Sanity put up a great starting point at Combo Example: Company Website
If you have any questions or want to geek out about all things React hit me up on twitter @cpt_silverfox