Monday, 15 May, 2017 UTC


JavaScript is rapidly evolving.
With the TC39 Working Group setting the course for the language, and the larger community being involved in the process, it’s moving faster than any other language with 20+ years of history behind it.
And it can be overwhelming at times – trying to keep up, trying to use new features and wondering if they are available.
Browsers, Node.js and other JavaScript runtime environments do their best to implement syntax changes early, but that doesn’t mean all features are readily available to all users.
So, how do you know when a new JavaScript feature is ready for production?
Is it safe to use an early stage feature? Or should you wait until that feature is readily available in all browsers, across nearly all of your user base?
Unfortunately, the answer is not always simple.
I do, however, have a few guidelines that I follow when evaluating a change to JavaScript…
3 rules that let you know when you can start using a new JavaScript feature.
To get the guide and learn how to evaluate a new JavaScript feature for yourself, enter your email address in the box, below. I’ll email the guide to you!
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