Friday, 22 March, 2019 UTC


Welcome to issue 135.
This week we master React Components, learn React.PureComponent, use Vuex & Redux and much more!

Writing Resilient Components

Dan Abramov’s complete guide to React Components.

Improve Performance in React Class Components using React.PureComponent

Chidume Nnamdi looks in depth at what React.PureComponent.

Learn Vue fundamentals!

Build your Vue foundation.

Learn How to use Vuex & Redux in your apps

Aayush Jaiswal explains how to integrate and implement both Vuex and Redux in your applications.

React Redux workflow in 4 steps

Pran B.’s Beginner Friendly Guide.

How to understand a component’s lifecycle methods in ReactJS

Anchal Nigam lists them.

Choosing a data visualization library for React

Rick Rickards elaborates.

Replacing Redux with ReactN to reduce complexity and bundle size

Charles Stover shows how.

How to create a beautifully animated loader in React Native

Vikrant Negi uses Airbnb’s Lottie library.

React Code Splitting in 2019

Anton Korzunov checks if you know React Code Splitting.

Building a Real-time Collaborative Beatbox with React & GraphQL

Nader Dabit drops sick beats.
Discuss, Like & Follow for all the news about React.js