Friday, 18 January, 2019 UTC


Welcome to issue 126.
This week we talk React Tiny Components, use Interactive Animations + React Hooks, and much more!

Tiny Components: What Can Go Wrong?

Scott Domes on using the Single Responsibility Principle to build better apps

Interactive Text Animation with React Hooks

Aditya Agarwal shows how to animate headings that respond to mouse movements using React Hooks, CSS Modules, CSS variables and clip-path.

Node.js 2019


Begin 2019 by mastering Node.js and going Fullstack.

Free! Your 2 months of SkillShare premium!

In two months, imagine what you can learn!

Move over Next.js and Webpack!!

Patrick Lee Scott makes use of Simple Streaming SSR React with Styled-Components and Parcel.

React Interactable: Mobile Gestures for the Web

Javier Marquez introduces react-interactable.

Pluralsight + Free Trial = Epic Holidays!

This holiday season, learn for free with Pluralsight’s trial!

Building A ToDo App in React with Firebase and Redux

Rajat S teaches how to use Redux and Firebase Database in React by building a simple Todo App.

React Hooks: Build async form validation library

Austin Malerba does it in ~100 lines of code.

How to Build a React Progressive Web Application (PWA)

Chidume Nnamdi’s deep, comprehensive guide with live code examples.

Testing your React apps like a boss with Jest

Christoffer Noring cover the testing framework Jest.

Architecting your React application.

Roman Nguyen talks development and business perspective of what to be aware of.

Why you should use JSX to build your React apps

Ryan Harris explains.
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